
Friday, October 26, 2012

Assignment "Be Wise-Never Use Drugs or Alcohol"

Be Wise-Never Use Drugs or Alcohol
Always Choose The Right
New Media
[Pick the date]



Being wise means choosing the right, choosing the right means not doing drugs or drinking alcohol, not doing drugs or drinking alcohol means better health, better health means a brighter future.


Be Wise – Never use drugs or Alcohol

Choosing the right is very wise; it’s an essential part of life, well, of a good life. And I’m sure everyone wants to have a good life. If you do not want to be a failure, have no job, have no money, live in poverty, waste your potential, and be ashamed of yourself, then by all means go ahead and do drugs and drink alcohol. So, if you want to have a good life, make a good living be proud of yourself, and have good health, do not ever do drugs and do not ever drink alcohol. I think the choice is clear, the right choice. Choose the right.
Do not do drugs or consume alcohol. It is very not wise at all to do so. Drugs and alcohol can mess up your life. Being wise is thinking long term, seeing how decisions will affect your future.  Drugs and alcohol have a negative effect on your future, they can be very hazardous to your health and will make you do things you normally would not do.  Doing drugs is not choosing the right, choosing the right is not doing drugs and being wise. Doing drugs and alcohol is the exact opposite of being wise, it serves nogood purpose, all it does is bring bad things, misfortune, upon you. If you don’t do drugs and alcohol, good things await you. Good health a purer mind, all sorts of good things. Choosing the right and being



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